The principles of police work are the same everywhere—it’s the approach that varies. We understand this, so we did something about it.
PDLinx connects citizens with essential services, streamlines workflows, and consolidates everything in one place. Need something we don't have? We'll build it.
Need a solution to manage overnight parking now and payment processing later? No problem, pick the modules you need today then add as many as you want. PDLinx builds products to meet the needs of your department exactly where you are.
PDLinx is built with the municipal budget process in mind, offering pricing that fits within your constraints. Our solution is easy to procure and deploy, getting your department up and running in days.
Built for cops, PDLinx greatly reduces time officers spend on administrative tasks, allowing your agency to focus on what matters most—the job.
Streamline parking management and workflows with PDLinx and replace manual, tedious work with full automation.
Easily manage residential, commuter, and visitor requests from a central, searchable location that meets your needs and ordinances.
Enable citizens to register their surveillance cameras in a shared registry, giving neighboring departments visibility to aid active responses and investigations.
Enable permit payments directly from your website and access searchable records of all permits in your precinct.
PDLinx makes alarm registration a better experience for your citizens and your department.
The fully automated Pet Licensing Module from PDLinx assists the municipality with administration, and officers on the road with enforcement 24/7.
Bridge the gap between municipal code enforcement and police operations, providing officers with real-time access to crucial information while in the field.
Streamline ordinance enforcement by giving officers instant access to permit information, even when municipal offices are closed.